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Kumulamunai massacre 02 Dec1984

Kumulamunai is in the Mullaithivu district. Farming and rearing livestock are the main occupation of the village. During the 1984, it was common for the Sri Lankan military to round up the Kumulamunai village and arrest people and torment them. On 01.10.1984, the village was rounded up by the Sri Lankan military and two people from the same family were arrested. Following this on 29.11.1984 several more villagers were arrested. Military released most of the people it had arrested except the four brothers of the two people arrested earlier and another person from Kumulamunai named Mohan. The families of these men persisted in seeking the release of the men. The military promised to release them after inquiry. On 01.12.1984, the military told the families that they have shot dead all seven men.
Six of the seven men shot dead are brothers. Six of the men were married.
Available names of victims (name, occupation, age)
1. Ponnampalam Namasivayam, -, 51
2. Ponnampalam Ananthan, -, 53

3. Ponnampalam Kenkatharan, -, 45
4. Ponnampalam Ponrasa, -, 43
5. Ponnampalam Santhiralinkam, -, 49
6. Ponnampalam Vivekanantham, -, 47
7. Mokanathash, -, 32