In the 1940s, the Minister of Agriculture at that time created several Sinhala settlements in the Amparai district using state funds. The minister created the Galoya development scheme in the Amparai district and the Kantalai and Allai development scheme in the Trincomalee district and brought Sinhala settlers for these schemes from other districts. They were given several incentives. Police and military protection were given as well. Buddhist temples were built and big bells were fixed to these temples. An arbitrary declaration was made that wherever the ringing of these bells could be heard are lands belonging to Sinhala Buddhist people. In this land grab, land belonging to Tamils and Muslims were confiscated.
Tamils were preparing on a grand scale to hold a Tamil Research conference in Jaffna during 3-10 January in 1974. The government of Sri Lanka at that time did not like holding this Tamil research conference in Jaffna.
In the July 1977 parliamentary elections the United National Party received a landslide victory capturing 5/6 of the parliamentary seats amounting to 140 seats. The party that was in government, the SLFP, received only 8 seats. Tamil Alliance group campaigning on an election platform of working towards an independent Tamil Eelam state won 18 seats by receiving the vast majority of the Tamil votes. This was not well received by the Sinhala polity.
In the July 1977 parliamentary elections the United National Party received a landslide victory capturing 5/6 of the parliamentary seats amounting to 140 seats. The party that was in government, the SLFP, received only 8 seats. Tamil Alliance group campaigning on an election platform of working towards an independent Tamil Eelam state won 18 seats by receiving the vast majority of the Tamil votes. This was not well received by the Sinhala polity.
1981 communal pogrom This pogrom surrounds the events in which the Jaffna library was burnt down with its irreplaceable book. It was during a period of election campaign. Ministers of the then UNP government, Gemini Tissanayake and Cyril Mathew were in Jaffna. Large police force was brought to Jaffna together with many Sinhala thugs and was accommodated in the Jaffna Thuriappa Stadium.