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Periyapullumalai massacre in 1986

Pullumalai village had facedmany atrocities by the SriLankan military. On
20.05.1980 the Sri Lankan military and its home guards burnt down more than 100 homes in Pullumalai. 25 young
men from Pullumalai was arrested by Col Veeratunge of the Sri Lankan military and
taken to Koduvamadhu and killed.

On 08.05.1986, the military arrived from Mahaoya and began attacking the village. 18 civilians were stood on a line and shot and killed by the military. 51 civilians disappeared. Many families were killed en masse. The mother
four children and an eight month old baby from the family Nagalingam Rajaratnam were killed that day. Children died when the military stepped on them with their boots. Kanthasamy his Sinhala wife and their child were
killed. The military let two civilians known to them to escape. They ran and
arrived at Senkalady.On 10.11.1986, more people were killed including a three month old baby.
Six of the women who were killed were raped before being murdered. 24
people arrested on this day disappeared. A planned identification parade to
identify the military men who carried out these massacres was stopped from proceeding.