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Voice of Tigers Radio station bombing 27 Nov 2007

The Voice of Tigers Radio (VOT) station located on the A9 road in Kilinochchi, the A9 road section in front of VOT, and civilian houses nearby were bombed by Sri Lanka Air Force on 27 November 2007 at 4.30pm. Three VOT employees were killed. Seven more civilians in their houses and travelling on the A9 road were also killed. Ten more civilians were seriously injured.
The VOT building and equipment were destroyed and were made unusable. This attack on VOT media was condemned by UNESCO. The bombing took place on the day when Tamils commemorate the war heroes and the VOT plays a crucial role in broadcasting the event to the Tamils.
Names of victims (name, age)
1. Anantharasa Theivanayaki, 55
2. Kanesamoorthy Subajini
3. Karupaih Priyatharson, 19
4. Muralitharan Sinthujan, 11
5. Rasalingam Piratheepan, 21
6. Sivakumaran, 40
7. Suresh Limbiyo
8. Tharmalingam
9. Thavanamanithevi, 62
10. Thiagaraja Maheswaran