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February 18,2009, Honorable Eric H. Holder.!

February 18,2009


  1. Honorable Eric H. Holder
  2. United state Attorney General
  3. U.S Department of Justice
  4. 950 Pennsylvania Avenue
  5. Washington, D.C 20530

Dear Mr. Attorney General:

          Iam in receipt of the model grand jury indictment of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Sarath Fonseka proposed by Mr. Bruce Fein, Counsel for Tamils Against Genocide. It is my understatnding that this document was submitted to the Department of Justice last weeks.

Congress Communicated its strong Commitment to prosecution for acts of genocide when it passed the Genocide Accountability Act of 2007. That act, which amended 18 USC 1091, extended the reach of U.S law when investigation and prosecuting acts of Genocide.

While I have no personal Knowledge of the facts or events charged in the aforementioned model indictment, the Department of Justice must take care to review all issues brought to its attention. I respectfully request that you review this document thoroughly.





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